So, we know that Storytelling has been around a long time. What is it that makes some stories incredible and others simply put boring! Here we want to explore how you can connect more effectively using the power of story.
However, before we do that, we must point out one important fact. More and more people in all walks of business are now are starting to understand the true power of stories that are associated with selling, increasing presence and connection.
Smart businesses and big individual brands create a story their audiences can connect with and consequently become a staple part of their consumer’s everyday life.
Think about the way Kellogg’s did this with the narrative around breakfast or how other people brands such as Muhammad Ali (the Greatest) almost forced their story upon us.
So, the real question becomes “What is it within a story that makes it stick, to become truly impactful and long lasting?” Here are some ways we can you create such a Story that your audience can connect will genuinely connect with.
Tips to create an authentic story to connect more with your audience
Drive the story from a personality
Stories are not always meant to market because these are not necessarily adverts, nor a sales pitch. We therefore begin with an aim of real connection. This begins with the use of characters in your story that your listener will connect with. By starting with a clear persona of character we can ensure that the personality is kept at center stage.
Although not every story can attract or engage audience but without any doubt a story with brimming personality can. Make sure to create a story which is inspired by people who create, connect, participate and develop the sage of success and growth. Make sure to describe it as an evolution of a personality.
Keep your story simple
Even though your description is taking up to thousand words. But make your story short, concise and straightforward. If you will try to pack an undulation in your story then chances are higher that you will tend to lose the momentum which is integral for the success of your story. Simpler stories are always better. Because these are not only easier to understand but also pretty simpler to conclude.
Let your story explain it all to your audience
Every story has a beginning, a middle and ending. These three parts are essential to carry natural progression of your story.
The starting of your story can state the problem or point and explain the point you are focusing to solve there. While, in the middle of your story make sure to describe how you find out the solution for the problem or what leads you to the solution. However, in the ending of your story get excited about the success, or achievement you have gotten. This is a form of story which everyone can expect and connect with.
Invest yourself emotionally into your story
Involving yourself emotionally in a story will not only let you keep track of your direction and line of thoughts in the story. Even more, putting yourself in your story emotionally will also make it much real and alive for your audience.
After completing your story make sure to bring home to the point that can relate to your audience with ease. This can impact your audience in a positive way and you will be able to connect them more with your content, business, etc. with ease. So, make sure to consider these ways while creating your story for audience.
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